Friday, March 18, 2011

St. Patrick's Day 2011

My favorite just-for-fun holiday!
I made green smoothies for breakfast (peach smoothie with sugar-free lime jello),
and of course everyone had to wear green.  Even the dog.  :-)

No piano lessons today due to spring break, so we went to the park in the afternoon to finish math, and then for the boys to run around.  It was fun being back at this park-- Trailhead park, which I haven't spent much time in since 2007.  I watched the boys run down to the swing sets and swing higher and higher, remembering the days when they couldn't pump on their own, and I went from one to the next to the next, trying to keep all three of them swinging at the same time. 
I sat at the picnic table bored, and so attempted some self-portraits.  My arm isn't quite long enough to do it quite right.  :-)

 Then it was off to violin.  On the way home we stopped at Rudy's for brisket.  I intended to make corned beef, but there just wasn't time, so we had a Texas-style St. Patrick's dinner.  :-)  I did make Irish soda bread, though.

Last night we went to one of our homeschool group friends' home for the kids' play performance.  They spent the last few weeks learning parts, making costumes, and painting scenery, and they did great.  I was so happy that all 3 of my boys got into the play and enjoyed it.  They performed "The Princess and the Glass Hill," a perfect play for a big group of boys and one intrepid girl.  :-)  Afterward, we stayed way too late eating and talking.  Daylight Savings Time (or is it the lack thereof?  I can't ever remember if we're now IN DST, or if DST just ended...), is very deceptive.  It doesn't feel late until it gets dark, and by then it is TOO late!  :-)

 Brigham was the farmer.

And Joseph was the king!

He made the crown by himself-- spray painting it gold and hot-gluing the jewels.

 Mosey was a knight riding a fearless steed.  :-)

And here's part of the whole crowd (missing 3 that I can see).  See our intrepid girl on the end?  I love that girl.  She spent the next hour and a half after the play sword-fighting with the boys.  :-)


Kellie said...

Kids at public school just don't usually get that into their schoolwork. Awesome... and yes, this time change is a BIG adjustment.

Kelly said...

How fun! What makes Irish soda bread what it is? I don't think I have ever had it. I wish I had some corned beef and cabbage and potatoes! Next year perhaps. Your side self photo reminds me of Joseph. You look great.