Sunday, March 20, 2011

Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center

Yesterday we met some friends at the Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center.  It seemed a bit early in the season for wildflowers, but maybe the late freezes we had delayed their emergence by a week or two.  There were some bluebonnets out (the first I've seen this season), but there wasn't too much more.
Still, we had fun.
Before we even went in the park, Brigham found a tree to climb.  Ben was there, or else I probably wouldn't have let him climb up that high...

We saw the first emerging turtles of the season, too. 

As well as a really funny sign:

The coolest thing I thought was the exhibit they had on paper sculpture.  This woman, Shou Ping, makes these amazing water color paper sculptures.  I can't describe them, so I took a bunch of pictures.

 (do you see the armadillo hiding behind the bluebonnets?)

We ate lunch at the cafe there, and then ended with a visit to the gift shop (of course).  Ben bought me a bluebonnet shirt, and we also bought Joseph a reptile shirt.  We hesitated on this one-- normally a gift-shop purchase is something we'd require the boys to pay for themselves, and Joseph didn't have the money.  But he wanted it *so* much, and he is pretty much obsessed with reptiles, and he looked at us with those big blue eyes, and we gave in.  :-)
(OK, he had a little more of a puppy-dog look than this, but you get the idea).
He is a good boy, though, and everyone deserves a surprise sometimes.

Once home, I dropped Ben and Brigham off, and Joseph and Mosey went with me to Target and Walmart.  The boys were on the prowl for another dragon, one they've been searching for high and low.  They found it, and it's been nothing but dragons for the past 24 hours.

Ben helped out with a move last night (I think it's so funny that the main job of the Elders Quorum seems to be moving people-- is that right??).  He said it was worth his time though, even though he had to drive all the way out to Elgin.  The missionaries were the ones who called him a few hours earlier to help their investigator move, and Ben things it made a big difference to the woman, seeing the effort a perfect stranger was willing to put in on her behalf.  I hope so, because he had to miss the BYU game, which was a big sacrifice for him.  Ben has taken great joy in watching the BYU games this season, and the tournament games in particular.
Heavenly Father must have taken note of his sacrifice and helped BYU to win, so all the BYU fans out there can really thank Ben.  :-)

This morning I woke up sick.  The past couple of days, I thought I was coming down with allergies, but I think really I have a bad cold or mild case of the flu.  I'm really achy and tired and weak.  Any sickness I get seems to manifest in immediate escalation of MS symptoms which is really annoying.  Anyway, I got all ready for church and then decided I wasn't feeling well enough to go, so I sent Ben off with the boys and then slept for the next 6 hours.  :-)

It is now 9:30, the kitchen is a mess, there are legos all over the floor, but I think I'm going to bed again, anyway.


Kelly said...

As always, great pictures, Gabby. I love the wording on the funny sign too. Most likely it is still not to the point enough for people and there are still a few who do all those things, I would guess.

Hope you're feeling better soon.

Reshma said...

Great Share