Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Poor Mosey

Mosey had a hard day.  He had a cavity filled about 3 1/2 weeks ago, and it had been hurting him on and off since then.  Yesterday he got hit (not hard) in the cheek and he came running to me in tears.  I looked at it (or tried), and from my brief glance, it looked swollen, so I called the dentist.  Sure enough, the dentist looked at it and it was infected.  Since it was a baby tooth, he extracted it right then and there.  It was a little more than he bargained for.  I think the dentist didn't give him quite enough numbing medicine, because when he was pulling it, I could tell by Mosey's body language that it was hurting him.  But Mosey is one tough kid.  By the time we were in the car driving home, however, he was crying hard. 
I gave him tylenol and lay with him in bed and watched a Scooby Doo DVD.  Scooby Doo fixes a lot of things.  :-)
After the tylenol kicked in, he was fine, and ready to work on his K'nex rollercoaster that we've been whittling away at for a few weeks.
 Poor Mosey, after the numbing medicine, before extraction, watching Sponge Bob.  He looks a little worried.
Connecting the last bit of track.
All done!  Well, nearly.  We still have to connect 260 links of chain, but then it will be done.  His poor mouth is still swollen, but he hasn't complained about it since earlier this afternoon.


Mama said...

WOW! That is quite a feat of structural engineering! And I hope the pain is all gone -- nothing worse than a sore tooth... well, maybe shingles is worse :(

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH! If I had had an experience like that as a kid I would NEVER have gone back to the dentist!
Poor thing! I'd be mad at the dentist!! What the crap!