Thursday, January 20, 2011

Brigham the perfectionist

Brigham and I have been having an "issue" regarding his piano practicing recently.  He is a perfectionist.  No small surprise, given that I am one, too.  But over the past few months, he's become really upset whenever I mark his music (you know, dynamics, fingering, reminders about pacing, etc.).  I am a BIG music marker.  My music is always written on all over.  But Brigham has started getting mad at me when I mark his music.  I finally figured out that he sees markings on his music as great big red X'es scrawled all over, marking where he has made mistakes.  The more marking on his music, the more evidence of his mistakes, as he sees it. 
We've talked about it a lot, I've tried to tell him that all musicians marks their music.  I've told him how, as  an orchestra student, I'd be in big trouble if I forgot to bring a pencil to rehearsals.  But, it has all fallen on deaf ears.  He said, "It's like if you have a really pretty house, and then you ruin it by cluttering it up with all these posters!"  Sigh.  I tried to tell him that it wasn't like that at all.  The written music is simply a set of instructions for *making* a really pretty house (the music itself), and the more detailed the instructions, the more beautiful the music he will produce!
Still, he cried and pouted whenever I marked on his music.
So I wrote a note in his piano notebook (where his teacher writes down his lesson instructions) to his teacher, explaining the situation, and today she brought him over to her shelf of music and pulled out a book of Mozart that she used while working on her degree in college.  And wow, I thought *I* was a music-marker!  She puts me to shame.  Brigham's eyes got wide.  Suddenly his mom just got a whole lot more credible.  :-)
So, his assignment for the week is to do all his own music marking.  I'm not going to even pick up a pencil or highlighter!  He will do it all.  I have high hopes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for her! What a great teacher! We just got a piano yesterday! I'm so excited to start the kids on lessons...they are more excited. After the kids had barfapalooza last night they are anxiously sitting on the bench now? now? I'm huddled in the corner going...please just watch television!