Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy Birthday Mosey!

Today Mosey turned 7!

His birthday breakfast of choice was "Old McDonalds," so, still in PJ's, we piled into the van and headed down the foggy streets to McDonalds for sausage mcmuffins and hashbrowns. Before we got in the car, Brigham ran back upstairs and got a blanket and a pillow and stashed them in the car for Mosey when he got in, so he wouldn't be cold.  Isn't that sweet??  As we were driving, Mosey asked, "I wonder why Heavenly Father made it foggy for my birthday."  I told him, "He wrapped up the Earth like a present just for you!"  He laughed about that.

I tried to have a normal day of lessons, although we got off to a slow start because of breakfast.  I let Mosey only do a half-day of lessons, though.  So he did a lot of this:

In the afternoon we made Mosey's cake.  He requested a "snake cake," like the one I made Joseph a couple of years ago.  I made the batter, and then he got a package of raspberries from the fridge and asked to put them in.  Of course!

The plan was to go to Main Event (a bowling/minigolf/arcade type place) when Ben got home, but not until after he opened his presents.  Mosey was chomping at the bit for those presents all day!  :-)  So when Ben got home, I hid in my room and wrapped them, and then Ben brought them out to the living room for him to promptly unwrap (really, what is the point of wrapping?).  He got a movie ("The Fantastic Mr. Fox,"), a cubbyhole/bookshelf thing for his room (where he can keep all his Webkinz), another remote control tarantula (the remote for the one he got at Christmas has mysteriously disappeared.  I think it will turn up, but in the meantime, while I was at Target, I saw that they had one more for 75% off, so I nabbed it), and, and this was by far the big hit of the night, a Nanobug Habitat.  I hate buying plastic stuff, I really do, but I had my eye on these over Christmas, and I watched some videos, and I just knew it was the kind of thing that Mosey would L-O-V-E.  And he did.  So much so, that he decided to forget about Main Event and stay home and play with the bugs and his tarantulas (he can control both with one remote!!  Awesome!!).

Finally we pulled the boys away from the bugs in order to sing happy birthday and eat the snake cake.
Then, they watched part of Fantastic Mr. Fox, and off to bed!

So.  Mosey is 7.  That's just crazy.  He is a good little boy.  Today he cleaned up the playroom, all on his own, without being asked.  And he came up and gave me about 5 spontaneous hugs.  He looks so cute with his teeth missing.  I love my little guy.

Here are 7 interesting things about Mosey right now:
1.  He likes math!  And he is very good at it.  He has a mathematical brain and he picks up concepts well.  And he likes it.  Please, help me not to beat that love out of him!
2.  He is a giggler.  He loves to laugh, and he laughs at almost everything.  He even has a (very loud) fake laugh that he can turn on at will.  And does so, frequently.
3.  He is good at telling jokes.  He likes to think of homonyms and make up jokes about them.  I'm so awful at remembering them.  Every time he tells me one, I think, "I have to write that down!"  And then I forget.  I will ask him to tell me some of them tomorrow.
4.  He hates wearing shoes.  (He gets this from me.  I've always hated wearing shoes.  The irony is that now I have to wear shoes all the time because of my AFO braces...)  The instant we are in the car after going somewhere, he takes his shoes off.  This can be a problem when he happens to take them off in Ben's car, and then he needs them while he's at work.  He also will just not bother taking them at all if he deems shoes unnecessary.  Last week he left his shoes at home while we went to piano lessons and violin lessons, and then was distressed when I needed to stop by the grocery store on the way home!  We need a pair of "car shoes" for him that he just keeps there.
5.  He reads everything.  He's reading the Old Testament right now.  He's the first one to claim The Friend magazine when it comes, and he devours the National Geographic Kids magazine, as well as the Highlights magazine my mom gave us a subscription to for Christmas.  He just finished a 528 page book ("Dragon Rider" by Cornelia Funke).  Today he was whining about not having anything to read which I thought was pretty funny since we have books and books and books and books.  But then I got out a stack of books and as I went through them he said, "I've read that one.  And that one.  And that one..."  Ooookay!  That's why I asked Ben for two big bookshelves for Christmas.  :-)
6.  He is a nightowl.  Still.  He's always been this way.  He needs the least sleep of any of the boys.  Or at least, he gets the least sleep of any of the boys, and it's not for lack of going to bed on time.  OK, maybe it is sometimes, but even when he's in bed early, he has trouble sleeping.  He has to toss and turn for at least an hour.  This year Ben and I finally made the executive decision that he has to sleep in his own room because he keeps his brothers up.  Unfortunately, he also gets this from me.  I just can't get away with it as much anymore, although when 11:00 PM comes around, I just can't quite convince myself of that.
7.  He has a sweet tooth.  Actually, I think that tooth that just got extracted was his sweet tooth!  He loves dessert, and is highly motivated to eat the prescribed amount of vegetables and "real food" in order to get dessert.  He was the first one to finish his Halloween candy (Brigham is STILL working on his!  Joseph just finished his 3 days ago), and when we're at the store, he's the most likely to try to sneak in a bag of skittles at the check-out line.  He also loves sweet drinks.  If he could live on soda, I think he would gladly do so.  If we ever do have a box of soda, he will drink it all, one after another, if he is not stopped.  This, however, he gets from his dad.  You can't blame me!  :-)

There are many other interesting things to know about Mosey, but since it is very nearly my bedtime, AND he only turned seven, that is it for now.

Happy Birthday, Mosey!  I love you, buddy.

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