Friday, May 29, 2009

Mosey graduates from preschool!

Mosey had his preschool graduation today (after missing the last 3 weeks of school-- oh well).
It was very sweet. Each child came to the front of the chapel and the teacher said one thing that they child liked about the school year as well as what the child wanted to be when he grew up.
Mosey liked building gingerbread houses at Christmas the best, and said he wanted to be a builder when he grew up. Some of the kids' responses were pretty funny. One little boy said he wanted a job where he could get very dirty. :-)
I was totally cool through most of the ceremony, even contemplating how silly we are here in contemporary America, holding graduation ceremonies for preschoolers.
Until they sang the school song as the children were filing out.
For some reason it struck me then that I'll never have a preschooler again. From now on, my kids are all school-aged. By the time I got outside to the lawn where the children and teachers were gathered, I was all choked up, and by the time I found Mosey and went to thank his teacher (sweet Mrs. B), I was really fighting back tears.
Mosey is not at all regretful about leaving preschool. He is ready for bigger and better things!
I guess I'm just a typical mom, after all, getting all emotional and nostalgic whenever I'm confronted with my kids growing up.

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