Saturday, March 21, 2009

St. Patrick's Day!

St. Patrick's Day is my favorite meaningless holiday. I mean, it's meaningful to Irish-Catholics, but since we're neither Irish nor Catholic, it's pretty irrelevant to us. But green is my favorite color, so I've always liked the day. I don't believe I have EVER missed a St. Patrick's Day wearing green (at least, not since before I started school).
We didn't celebrate too much, aside from wearing green. I made Irish soda bread with raisins for dinner (which the boys totally devoured), plus green-dyed scrambled eggs, and that was the extent of it. Still, it was fun.

I have tried to take pictures of my kids every St. Patrick's Day. So here we go, starting with St. Patrick's Day 2009 (Mosey was even prepared with his green light saber):


I'm missing 2007 because I was in the hospital over that St. Patrick's Day. No fun.

Here's 2006. Not my best picture, what can I say.

Here's a separate one of Brigham, just so you can see his cute 4-year-old face:


2004: (Mosey was 2 months old and NOT happy)

2003 (the twins were too fast this year to get a picture together!):

And their very first St. Patrick's Day, 2002!!


they call me mommy said...

I love this picture progression and how you can see your interest and commitment to photography evolve. :-) And your boys are so sweet.

Kelly and Kathy said...

you do have Irish ancestory on Grandma Frandsen's side. This must be the reason you have always liked the holiday. Love , Uncle Kelly