Monday, March 23, 2009

hand controls and MS accessories

I had my driving evaluation for getting hand controls for my van today. I'm now approved and scheduled for 8 lessons, although the instructor said she didn't think it would take that many. Then I go get tested at DPS (TX version of DMV), and get a new license and I'm good to go!
The evaluation consisted of a pretty extensive eye exam testing far vision, peripheral vision, night vision, etc. There were also some cognitive tests, but the evaluator cut those off after only 2 because I'm just so dang smart. :-)
Then I had about an hour behind the wheel in their training car. It's pretty bizarre driving without using my feet at all. The control lever is on the left, just below the turn signal. You push in to brake, and pull down to accelerate. The first few minutes felt like learning to drive all over again, and I did not think I would be able to do it!
But I got the hang of it after a while and she took me out on some busy roads (Lamar, Airport Blvd, etc. for you Austinites). It's very strange having to think consciously about braking and accelerating now, after 16 years of driving the regular way. I suppose with time it will become second nature.
The controls will work well; they do not get in the way of the pedals at all, for when Ben wants to drive the van the normal way.
I'm hoping I might be able to get DPS approved before our big trip at the end of April. We shall see!
Also, here is a picture of me with my stylin' forearm crutches. I upgraded from my cane a few months ago, and they are much better for my walking, although a whole lot uglier. I can't really glue fake jewels on these. But they are better than a walker (almost anything is better than a walker). Also I'm getting some wicked arm muscles. I wish I could go back to my junior high presidential fitness testing, I bet I could whip out those pull-ups and dips with no problem now!
I also got a small little wheelchair to use around the house during the day so I don't get so exhausted, but I don't have a picture of that, sorry.

Picture courtesy of Joseph while we were at the church parking lot today riding bikes (well, the boys were riding bikes, I was sitting in the van watching them).


Mama said...

Adorable hair style! Adorable girl!! And an amazing attitude... Words cannot express how proud I am of you, Gabrielle. (And how RELIEVED I am that you are going to be safer on the road :)) You are my HERO! All my love, Mama

paul said...

sounds fun. congrats on the new controls!

Angee said...

Way to go! PS My guess on the tree- Hong Kong Orchid (I have seen them here)

StrykerLOVE said...

you look hot! love that hair style on you.

Hildie said...

I'm pretty sure you could bedazzle those!

That's great about the van. Wait until your boys get old enough to appreciate the coolness of it.

Rachel said...

Good for you for getting the controls installed on the van! I know that probably wasn't a very nice experience, and I'm so proud of you. I'm thinking it actually might be really cool to drive with hand controls - more like riding a bike, kind of. Or, even better, a motorcycle. I'm sure your boys will love learning how to drive on both systems :) You already know how much I love your hair!

Amy F said...

You do what you do with style, grace, and humility. A remarkable woman in every way.

Glad you have worked out a good solution for driving lots... because that is one of the main duties of a mom, right?

Jill T said...

Sounds like a successful day. I want to see a picture of the hand controls. Isn't it amazing, the modern advances they have for things like that. Way to go, Gabrielle!

Anonymous said...

Gabrielle, You run circles around us, just like your mom!!!

Kelly said...

I'm so glad to hear you're getting the lessons and hand controls. That will be second nature for you before too long. Love the cute picture of you too, Gabrielle!

they call me mommy said...

You are so beautiful! :-)