Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Sssseen me anywhere?

Joseph found two little garter snakes up by the lake yesterday afternoon. He took them home and made them a cozy little home in a cardboard shoebox.
This morning, only one of them was in there.
Where, or where could you be, little snakey?
I'd rather find you now, and not slithering between my sheets one of these nights...


Hildie said...

I have this crazy paranoia about snakes and toilets. Try not to think about that in the middle of the night.

Christine said...

You are a brave brave mother of boys!

Lonna said...

That is not something that I would like to be looking for in my house. I hope that you find it...and not in a creepy place or way.

Rena said...

Yikes! Emma swears she saw something furry run between her legs in the house the other day. I was on the look out but never found anything. Thank goodness. I dont smell anything dead either so maybe it was her imagination!