Monday, December 15, 2008

So busy! (oh, so busy)

I would love to post.
But I have too much to do!
The boys had their first piano recital yesterday, they did great.
Mosey was "Joseph" in the primary nativity on Saturday morning. He was so cute.
We got a Christmas tree.
I am ALMOST done with my Christmas card.
Tomorrow night we're hosting a Christmas party for Ben's team from work.
I have to make 2 dozen cookies for it and keep the boys from destroying the house.
It is now 2:11 AM, only 4 hours past my bedtime.


Naomi said...

Oh Gabrielle! 2 a.m. is too late for anyone to be up! I hope you got to rest today.

Kelly said...

I am freaking out over no Christmas photo taken, let alone ordered yet. Guess my cards will be late again. I'm happy to hear that you're one step ahead in this department. Hope your husband's work team party was a success.