Monday, May 05, 2008

Dangers of boys in the house

Make sure you click on this one to see it full-sized. I came to my computer yesterday night and found this. Seems Mosey was trying to purchase some items from the Starfall store. I imagine this would have been the largest order Starfall has ever seen!! I'm just glad I didn't have my credit card on file with Starfall...

Just so you know, this is a very bad combination.
A week or so ago, Mosey asked for a drink. I told him to go get a cup and a drink, and I'd pour it for him. I had seen his sippy cup in the hall bathroom, so I told him to get that one. He brought it to me, and I poured him some rootbeer. I noticed it foamed quite a bit, but you know, it was rootbeer, so I didn't think much of it. Mosey took one sip, made a face, and said, "This rootbeer tastes funny, mom!" I was sure there wasn't anything wrong with the drink, so I took it from him and told him I'd try it. I took a sip and nearly lost my dinner. It seems that one of the boys had, for some unknowable reason, pumped some Panrosa Rose Scented Hand Soap from the hall bathroom into Mosey's sippy cup. Rose scented hand soap and diet rootbeer are decidedly NOT a good combination. I had to eat 2 pieces of bread and a whole glass of milk to get that taste out of my mouth. And I can't use that soap anymore, because the smell of it completely nauseates me. So a word to the wise. Don't make soap rootbeer floats for yourself or anyone else!

Brigham made himself a "snack" last Friday after school. I discovered it, partially eaten, in the freezer. I asked him what was in it, and he told me he mixed pancake syrup and sugar and spread it on the tortilla, but then it was too drippy, so he put it in the freezer to try to harden it up. Now I have drips of syrupy sugar all down two shelves in my freezer... At least he's showing initiative by making his own snack, right? :-)


Kelly said...

Well, he had the right idea. That's rather creative. Bummer about the mess though.

Rosalynde said...

Those photos are comedy gold. Pancake syrup and sugar.... talk about gilding the lily! That reminds me of when Eva was younger and would put sugar into her orange soda. Blech!

Rosalynde said...
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StrykerLOVE said...

ha ha can't stop laughing about the secret internet shopping. - Just what would you do if that order actually went through!!!

Conni said...

Gabby, I had to chuckle at the snack in the freezer. We have that same thing going on here. We have many 'inventions' aka: snacks, put into the freezer to see what will happen to them. My kids are facinated by things freezing. Who knew entertaining them could be so simple?