Thursday, September 27, 2007

Fire ants bites and strep throat

Hi Everyone,
I have strep again, ugh. But I found an old bottle of Keflex in my medicine box which I started yesterday and in the last couple of hours I've started to feel a lot better. I'm sure I'm a strep carrier which is why I get it all the time (this is what, my 3rd case this year?). I didn't even bother going to the doctor, decided to save myself $35 when I know this is what I have. I have the leftover Keflex from a previous case of strep. I took the first course of Ab's, then went in for a re-swab, which came back positive again, even though I was symtom free. So I was prescribed the Keflex, but I decided not to take it, since I didn't feel sick. I never did get symptoms, so I had the full bottle leftover. This is another reason I'm sure I am a carrier, since carriers will test positive even when they're not sick.
AND, last night at mutual I got attacked by fireants. I have about 20 bites on my left foot. Anyone whose had fireant bites know how annoying they are. They've all blistered up and my foot is nicely swollen. But I won't complain too much because I heard a story last night of a lady in our ward who got bit by a huge centipede IN HER BED. The centipedes they have out here in central Texas are like from a horror movie, I'm not kidding. They are like 8 inches long, black, with RED heads. They are the creepiest looking things ever. Thankfully for us they seem to only be a problem if your property is adjacent to some open space, or new construction. None of that in my neighborhood, and I've never seen centipedes around here. Or scorpions. Out in Steiner Ranch (yeah, now I'm glad we don't live out there), they regularly have centipedes and scorpions. I just could not handle that. The occasional roach I see scuttling around is no big deal compared to centipedes and scorpions.

So, I have re-instated our responsibility charts. Here is my list for the boys:
Get dressed
Put dishes in sink/dw
Brush teeth AM/PM
On-time for school
Reading practice
Other school practice
Piano practice
No T.V. Mon.-Thurs.
Clean up toys/artwork/experiments
Dirty clothes in Dad's closet
Personal prayers
Quiet, no getting up after lights out

So the deal is that they get 5 cents for each of these that they do without complaint. BUT, they still have to do them. So, they can either do them cheerfully, and get paid (they could earn $3.60 per week or something like that), or, if they give me a hard time, still have to do them, and not get paid. When we did responsibility charts before, it worked quite well, so I have high hopes for this. The boys have been pretty good, actually, I just think we need things to be a bit more systematic around here.

Ok, here's some funny things Mosey has said the past couple of days. We have a treat box that the boys can choose from after their reading practice. Mosey has been doing reading practice, too, but he still wants treats between times (imagine that). So yesterday he was pestering me about letting him choose a treat, and I was telling him no, unless he wanted to do more reading practice. And he said to me, "But mom, it's no big deal if I get another treat!" That made me chuckle. He get's these funny little phrases from me and Ben, and he actually uses them correctly! Here's another example of that. The boys tend to ask me where things are, as if I have this supernatural power of knowing where any and everything is at any particular point in time. So at times I get a bit exasperated, and I'll say, "I have no clue where xx is, sorry!" So now, Mosey has turned this around on me. He came up to me and asked me where his movie was (he carries around the DVD's he checks out from the library everywhere, don't ask me why). So I asked him, "Well Mosey, where did you last have your movie?" And he answered back, "I have no clue, mom!" Ha ha ha. He's been using this phrase for lots of other things too, and it always makes me laugh (where did you put your shoes? Where did you drop that apple core? Why did you draw with marker all over your legs?).

Ok, I better close. Mosey's pestering me to come play with him and I feel way too guilty being on the computer when he's asking to play with me.

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