Friday, January 13, 2006

Hey Y'all,

Today was a pretty decent day, considering the fact that I was really tired. I've been up too late every night this week. I WILL be better next week! 2 nights ago was horrible, at various times of the night all 3 boys were up, including Mosey at 3:30 AM coming upstairs with a container of yogurt, apparently hungry, forcing me to wake myself up and help him to eat it and then get him back to sleep. Yawn...

Anyway, today was outing day so we went to the zoo. I love the zoo, I always feel happy going there. Today was no disappointment. It was a beautiful day, upper 70's, blue skies, nice breeze, nearly empty zoo, happy kids. Got individual attention at all the little animal show thingies since not many people were there. I only took the single stroller and had the big boys walk, so they got tired at the end, but not too grumpy. At one point the big boys sat on each other's lap in the stroller and I perched Mosey on the handle bar as we walked the last little way to the exit.

The boys had a great time throwing their sandwich crusts to the white ibis and seagulls that strangely always seem to be hanging out near the eating areas. We went to the petting zoo and Mosey got to brush the hair on the pig. We went to this other animal discovery place and got to pet this hedgehog type thing from Madagascar. Mosey was pretty nervous about that and reached his hand out to pet it about 5 or 6 times before actually taking the plunge and stroking down its quills. He was less apprehensive about petting the tortoises, although one of them kept slooowly coming at me, his mouth snapping at me.

Did you know there are legless lizards? Yep. The difference is that they have eyelids and ear holes where snakes do not, and anatomically they have a tail segment which, like other lizards, can actually detach. Weird, huh? The Eastern Glass lizard is native to Florida and is about 12-18 inches long, shiny grey (almost silver), and when a predator grabs it by the tail, the tail falls off, wriggles around for a while, and then breaks into pieces! Hence the name glass lizard. Pretty cool. We saw one of those too and got to pet it as well.

We ended up staying at the zoo longer than I thought, and didn't leave until nearly 6:00 PM (late afternoon is the best time to see the animals anyway). So I knew the boys would fall asleep in the car if I drove home so instead we ate at Ruby Tuesday and then went home. And yes the big boys did fall asleep in the car, although Mosey resisted. So Ben got a night to himself which I hope he will reciprocate for me soon! The boys were very good at Ruby Tuesday, and for dessert we all shared the Chocolate Tall Cake. You should have seen them devouring that thing! It was so cute. All 3 of them were standing on their seats in our booth, leaning over the dessert glass and just shoveling it in as fast as possible. Reports are that it was the "best chocolate cake EVER."

I am about to give up on Mosey ever wearing shoes. I put shoes on him this morning, he took them off. I put them back on at the zoo, he quickly takes them off. I put them back on him 2 other times at the zoo, and he takes them off. Finally I just said forget it and let him run around without any shoes. I'm sure everyone who saw him was wondering what kind of mother would let her two year old walk around the zoo with no shoes, but honest, I tried! He just hates shoes. And these shoes actually fit him. They're not too tight, don't give him blisters. He just doesn't like shoes. Like his mama, really. Anyway, you should have seen his feet when we got back to the van. Totally black!

I wanted to go running, since there is a full moon out tonight and I will actually be able to see where I'm going reasonably well, and plus it is Friday the 13 and how often does that fall on a full moon? But my eyes are literally closing on me so I think I better go to sleep. Hope you all have good weekends!

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