Monday, January 23, 2006

Hey everyone,
I am so, so tired tonight, but I'm trying to stay awake until 9:00 so I can watch "24." I would video tape it but our VCR recording function doesn't work when connected to our digital cable box.
It seems like Mondays are always hard days for me. Maybe it is just the prospect of another whole week looming ahead of me. Maybe it is because I always seem to be up too late on Sunday nights so I'm sleep deprived on Mondays. I need to get the house in relatively good order before Monday mornings when my cleaning club comes because I really like the house to be all clean by the time they leave! And they're only here for an hour and everything can't be done in just an hour, so I try to have the rest done before Monday morning. Confusing, huh? I know cleaning on Sunday night is horrible, but if I do it on Saturday it will get all undone on Sunday and I'll have to do it again anyway...
I wouldn't have been up so late last night (nearly 2 AM) except for the fact that I got roped into Stake choir. Stake conference is next week and Sister Hathaway practically begged me to come because the sopranos I guess are in need of a strong voice. So I reluctantly agreed, even though practice was at 6:30, an awful time for me. I like to be getting the boys to bed at 7:00, and I didn't want to leave it all to Ben by himself. So I took the boys with me thinking the practice would only be 45 minutes or so. It lasted 2 1/2 hours!!!! Ridiculous. So the boys were way overtired and wound up after that (they had been playing with a few other kids waiting for their parents and eating chocolate chips I brought to keep them occupied) and refused to fall asleep in the car on the way home so I had to do the whole bedtime routine when I got home and they weren't in bed until after 10 PM. This was especially bad for Joseph since he had been up till almost 1 AM the night (morning) before.
Anyway, needless to say I was tired and short-tempered and Joseph was grumpy and tired pretty much all day.
The big news of the day is that Mosey got his first official time-out... He hit Joseph in the head with a magnadoodle, hard enough to make Joseph cry *real* tears, and it was on purpose. He was sort of wrestling with Joseph and Joseph was sitting on a cushion that Mosey wanted to sit on and that is when the incident occurred. So off to the couch in the family room for a time out where I sternly told Mosey, "No hitting. Hitting hurts. Hitting is not nice. No hitting." He cried for a little while, but sat in his spot until I told him he could get up. I guess the terrible twos have officially begun...
Brigham was pretty funny today. We were walking to the park and he saw a flock of birds flying overhead. He pointed to them and said, "Hey mom, look at that! Why is there a team of birds flying in the sky?" I thought it was so cute that he called it a "team" of birds. I explained that birds like to fly together and when there are a bunch together like that they are called a flock.
On the same park trip Joseph got interested in the owls. In the greenway behind our house, where we were walking, there are several owl holes where pairs of ground owls live. While Brigham and Mosey were playing at the park, Joseph was examining the owl holes. He came back and told me that the mommy owl and brown eyes, the daddy owl had yellow eyes and the baby owl had orange eyes. I'm not sure he actually saw a baby owl, but anyway he was pretty excited about the owls. He asked me all about owls and other birds and migration and if birds could fly from Florida to Australia. He's my little veterinarian in the making!
Ok, "24" is on and I'm going to go upstairs and lay in bed and watch it. Have a good Tuesday everyone!

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