Monday, January 16, 2006

Hello Everyone,
Well, I had to break my swearing-off of TV last night and tonight, and possibly the next 20 Monday nights... I was tempted to not watch it at all and instead wait for the DVD's next year, but Ben really wanted to watch it, so I succumbed. And now there is no way I can NOT watch next week! Still, 1 hour of TV a week is not bad, is it? I really have sworn off all other TV, aside from maybe Fox News being on in the background while I get ready in the morning.
No school today for MLK day, which meant the WHOLE day with the boys and no break. They were pretty good, though. They played pretty well all morning and then we had to do a major grocery shopping trip to Sam's and then to Target. So we have food in the house again which is good.
Brigham has this Spiderman puzzle that he is pretty obsessed with. He is getting very good at putting it together on his own, but he still needs my help. It is a 100 piece puzzle I think? So not a small one. But the problem is that there are certain pieces of the puzzle that HE really wants to put in, and if anyone else puts it in, watch out!! We put it together twice this morning (and once last night) and the first time Joseph accidentally put in one of the treasured pieces. Brigham fell apart, tears and everything. After a while he calmed down and took apart the puzzle and began again. But he still wanted my help, so I went to help him. And then *I* accidentally put in one of "his" pieces and again, tears and hysteria. Poor guy. He doesn't have meltdowns too often, but when he does, they are doozies.
Brigham is also pretty interested in how strong he is. He periodically comes up to me to show me his muscles. He tries to flex his biceps muscles, but sort of ends up just curling his fists up by his shoulders and sticking out his elbows chicken-style. Still, I try to admire his muscles. Today he announced that his shoulder muscles are as big as Spiderman's! Wow! He is also pretty sure he is faster than me running. I think one time he asked me, "Am I really fast mom?" And I'm sure I answered, "Yes, you are SO fast!" And then he probably said, "Am I as fast as you mom?" And I probably said, "I don't know, maybe. You are pretty fast." Which for Brigham pretty much comprises an admission that he is faster than me. Ben has been trying to convince Brigham that I am probably faster than him, butI dont' think it's working. Brigham also said another funny one-liner today which was, "When I'm 12 years old I can beat you up, dad!" Huh. We'll have to see about that one I guess!
Mosey is getting more and more insistent on doing things himself. Ah, the joys of 2 year olds. Like Brigham, though, if I start to help him do something and he objects, it is not enough for me to just stop helping him. He needs to start the whole process over again. So if I'm helping him get into his carseat, I'll have to lift him completely out of the car for him to start the entire process over again. Tonight going to the gym playroom, Ben made the mistake of opening the little gate for him to go in. Squealing began and we had to completely close the gate before he could start over and do the whole thing himself. I know he needs to learn independence, but it sure can be frustrating!
Oh, one more funny thing. We were driving home from the gym tonight and from the backseat, Brigham calls out, "I can feel my beard coming in!" He was so excited! And then Joseph piped up, "I can feel my beard growing too!" I told them that this must be some kind of record-- 4 year olds with whiskers! Please Lord, I need my boys to at least by tying their own shoes and brushing their own teeth before getting whiskers! I can tell raising these three boys is going to be bringing me chuckles for many years to come.
Ok, that's it for tonight. Oh, one more thing. Ben and I are still working on my website, but I have a feeling it might be a while before it is up. So I put up a temporary (free) site with a few galleries of my pictures. I got another client on Saturday-- a mother with twin girls turning 16. She wants sweet 16 pictures taken, and I told her I'd send her a website with some of my pictures on it, so I put this together quickly this morning. If you want to see, it is
Have a terrific Tuesday everyone!

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