Monday, July 09, 2012


1.  I woke up this morning with a severe cramp in my left calf.  I could not bear weight on it at ALL.  This is bad timing!!!!!  Ben helped to stretch and massage it a little bit, but every time that muscle reached a certain level of stretch, my leg started spasming.  It's gotten a little better over the day, but I still definitely can't walk on it.  This is really bad for my walking test.  I'm praying I wake up tomorrow and it is gone.  :-(

2.  We got RAIN today!  I love it.  It rained a lot last night (I love the sound of rain on the roof at night), and then today we had several really good showers.  Enough rain this afternoon that we had a great big puddle across a big part of our back lawn.  What a difference from last year!!

3.  Because of the rain, the boys spent most of the day inside.  And most of their time playing Civilization on the computer.  I was no good at policing computer time today.  They did get their practicing done, so that's something.  I wasn't feeling too awesome today anyway (because of my leg) and wasn't really up to cheer-leading the boys into playing games or doing a craft or art project, so I can't really blame them.  A computer game to distract *me* probably would have been good.

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