Sunday, July 01, 2012


1. There wasn't anything too remarkable about today.  Mosey had his last TKD class of the summer.  His 6 month contract was up, and we're going to be out of town so often in the next few weeks I decided to sign him back up when we get home.  He's been taking for a year now!  It's hard to believe it's been that long already.

2. Mosey helped me to paint a door in the afternoon.  We're going to replace all of the ugly stained wood doors in our house with regular paneled white doors.  They come pre-primed from Lowes, and only need to be painted white.  Mosey was excited to learn how to do it, and did a good job, too.  He is always excited to learn how to do something new like that.  I stayed out in the garage helping him for about 15 minutes, and then got too hot, even with the fan blowing right on me.  I went inside and put a bag of frozen pineapple on the back of my neck.  :-)

3. I went to a local esthetician school as a favor for a girl in our ward who is a student there.  They need people to come in to be "practice" clients.  So I got my first facial!  I have to say I am not terribly comfortable in that role.  :-)  I've never been a "mani/pedi" kind of girl (in fact, even saying "mani" or "pedi" makes me feel silly).  I have too much of my mom in me to ever really be able to feel comfortable being "pampered" (that word sounds silly too, doesn't it?).  It doesn't make sense, because I don't think anything negative at all about other women going to get their nails done, etc., but it's just not "me."  That being said, it was very relaxing and my skin felt very smooth afterward.  :-)

4. In the evening I made barbecue chicken and asparagus, and Brigham made cranberry orange apple cinnamon muffins (yes, that was the combination, and yes they did get eaten all up).  Not bad for a Friday night meal, huh?  And we watched the first episode of Season 2 of 24.  I have a feeling we'll make it through all the episodes within 2 weeks. 

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