Sunday, November 13, 2011

Mrs. May--May

We are dog-sitting a friend's dog for a few days. Her name is May-May, and she looks like Mister's twin sister. The resemblance is really eerie. Yesterday, when Laurie and John came to the house and May-May met them at the door, they said for a minute they thought Mister had come back from the dead. They called her "Missus" the rest of the time they were here. :-)

The boys have loved having her at our house. It feels natural to have a dog following me around and waiting to greet us at the door. May-May is fun and energetic and loves to PLAY! And she plays fetch. It's a good thing Mister isn't here-- he might start to feel insecure. :-)

I don't know who was having more fun-- the dog or the boys!

Joseph asked me last night, "Mom, do you think we'll ever get another dog?"

Seeing the boys with this dog makes me think the answer is probably yes.

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