Thursday, November 03, 2011


A cold front blew into Central Texas last night.  I heard the wind howling all night long-- a sure sign of the changing weather.  I don't think it got out of the 60's all day.  I never thought I'd feel cold again!  What a nice change.
Mosey went out in the backyard to do his math this morning-- all bundled up in his coat and mittens.  I laughed, remembering the first cold front of the year back in Florida in 2006.  The boys rode their big wheels to school and I rode my bike with Mosey in the baby seat in the back.  That morning (probably in December), I got a kick out of all the kids walking to school bundled up in scarves and hats and gloves and big winter coats.  I think it was maybe 65 degrees that morning (downright frigid for South Florida).
We get a bit more of a winter here than we did in Florida, so I thought my boys would be growing up a bit tougher.  But I guess after the summer we've had, anything cooler than 80 degrees is going to raise goosebumps.  :-)  Today may well have been the first day since last April that our A/C hasn't kicked in at least once.
OK, now for a total non-sequitur.  :-) I went to a baby shower tonight-- the second one I've been in about as many weeks.  Our ward is having a veritable baby boom.  I know of 9 babies that have been/will be born within a 9 month period or so, 3 in November alone!  For not being in a student ward, that is a lot of babies!  Baby showers are such happy parties, but still I leave with a twinge of melancholy.  I wonder if that little sting of yearning will ever really go away.  I remember before the twins were born, thinking that if I could just have one baby, I'd be so happy,  I'd never complain again.  And I'm not really complaining, but I can't help wishing I could have another one.  I know it's impossible (thank you years of infertility topped by high-dose chemo drugs), but I get this weird feeling every so often-- almost like deja vu-- when I look around at my kids, and get this distinct feeling like someone is missing.  Then I see they're all 3 there and nobody's missing.  It's strange.  It doesn't happen all that often, but when it does, the feeling comes on without warning.  I remember being at Target once and looking around to make sure the boys were with me.  I saw all three of them there, but still, for a fleeting moment, found myself scanning the aisle, looking for another child who wasn't there.  It felt so real-- like I could almost "see" that child who wasn't there, just for a moment before I came to my senses.
I'm so thankful for my 3 boys.  Being a mother has been all I hoped it would be, and more.  Time is passing far too quickly.
If I could, I'd order up another 2 or 3 faster than you can say "dirty diapers!"  I mean, look at these pictures!   Yes, please.  :-)

1 comment:

Naomi said...

Gabrielle, I wish you could have more too. For one thing, you have such adorable little babies! And you are such a wonderful mother to them. I've often reflected on the irony that you got married early enough to have the big family, Rosalynde has the baby skills necessary for having lots of little babies, and I apparently have the fertility/nursing abilities for lots of babies. If only we could have combined all three of us, we could have had as many children as we desire.