Monday, November 07, 2011


I guess it is a little easier to drag myself out of bed at 6:30 in the morning when there is a little bit of light outside.  That's the only good thing about the time change, though.  I hate how dark it gets so early.
Today was a pretty average Monday.  School lessons, practicing, Tae Kwon Do, flute lessons.  On the way home from flute lessons Joseph's teacher called to tell me that Joseph left his lesson book at his house.  Ugh!  I had driven halfway home already.  I had to turn around, drive back down, pick up the book, and then get back on the freeway, all of this smack-dab in the middle of rush hour.  That little detour cost us 45 minutes extra in the car.  The boys didn't mind too much since we were listening to Darke (Septimus Heap book 6), but we still hadn't done piano practicing for Joseph, violin for Brigham, or cello for Mosey, and I had to get dinner ready and Monday night means family home evening.  Oh, well.  As it was, Joseph did about half his piano, Brigham about half his violin, and Mosey skipped cello entirely.  Really, it's the end of the world.  :-)

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