Friday, January 03, 2014


Happy Birthday to Ben!
The boys and I worked on sanding the desk-top for his office.  It's all sanded and just needs to be stained and varnished which we will do tomorrow.  The boys also helped clean out the garage, so altogether it was a good couple of hours of work apiece, or more.  And they did it happily and without arguing or complaining which was a gift to me, that's for sure!
We went to Verts for dinner (Berlin-style kebap) and then went to HEB to pick out a dessert.  One of the problems of an early January birthday are those pesky healthy-eating resolutions.  I didn't want to make a whole cake that we would then consume, so Ben picked out a couple of pieces of cookie-cake wedges which we shared at home.
The evening was finished off with Ben playing a game of Civilization against the three boys while watching an episode of Revolution.
Next year I will make a bigger deal of his birthday.  :-)
One thing I discovered which I think is cool-- this year all the days match up perfectly with 1975, the year of Ben's birth.  So he and his sister Angee were born on a Friday!  Cool.
I took some pictures today but can't find my card reader at the moment, so here are some pictures of Ben from our vacation last summer.

I love this guy!


Mama said...

I think that guy is pretty awesome, as well. Couldn't have hand-picked a better son-in-law!

Mama said...

I think that guy is pretty awesome, as well. Couldn't have hand-picked a better son-in-law!