Monday, March 25, 2013


1.  We had a good weekend.  Lots of yardwork yesterday, plus I finally got through papers and bills that had been piling up for way too long.  I want to hand that part of our household affairs over to Ben.  We went to see the new Oz movie, which we all enjoyed.  The computer graphics were wonderful, and it was a fun story.

2.  Kandis has seminary this week, so I enjoyed a low-key Sunday afternoon.  Ben and the boys made dinner while I worked on Rosetta Stone German.  I'm hopelessly behind and about ready to throw in the towel now that I've seen how absurdly complex the German system of gendered nouns is.  Mosey and Joseph think it's really funny to say things to me in German and then laugh at me when I don't understand.  Mosey is picking it up really fast.  I guess it's true that the younger you are, the faster your mind grasps languages.

3.  I fell at church today.  I haven't done that in a long time.  I just lost my balance and couldn't get my crutches out in time to stop my fall.  It's like slow-motion, really, and so frustrating that I can't move the way my brain is telling my body to.  A few people saw and ran down the hall to help me up.  Wonderful.  I was OK, I have enough experience falling that I know how to do it safely, so pretty much only my pride was bruised.  Pretty embarrassing.

4.  Last week the boys had a couple of really great days when they finished their work up really fast.  It was great, but also a little distressing to see exactly how fast they can work when they really want to, and made me think that perhaps they don't have enough to do.  I don't know how half the time I can be anxious about expecting too much of them, and not letting them have enough free time to explore and be boys, and the other half I can be anxious that they don't have enough school work...  Anyway, I think I'm going to try to come up with a bunch of extra credit assignments that they can do to earn points toward buying a computer or something like that.  I'm trying to come up with a list of assignments they can do in a few different areas-- science, math, current events, writing, computer science.  I think it can be good if I can find the time and organizational skills to come up with something worthwhile.

Here are some pictures of Mosey attempting to practice the piano while Luna thinks he's a jungle gym.  You can tell that piano practicing is super-effective with a 5-month-old kitten in the mix.  :-)

1 comment:

Naomi said...

Ha! Those pictures remind me of me trying to do a workout routine with Cici around...