Thursday, July 21, 2011

All's clear on the MRI front

I haven't written too much recently.  I've been just a little preoccupied with my 3 year stem cell transplant evaluation which was this past Monday.  I am always consumed with anxiety when these appointment come up, and my instinct is to withdraw into my turtle shell for a while.
But the physical exams all went well on Monday, and this morning the nurse called with the good news that my MRI scans are still clear-- no changes from before the transplant! 
So I feel like I can slowly start to poke my head back out and resume normal life again.  At least, for the next 11 months.  :-)


Anonymous said...

what great news! you can exhale now.....

Dave Bexfield said...

I figured it was close to that time. Great news, Gabby. - Dave