Sunday, November 28, 2010


Last night, after coming home from Harry Potter, I sent the boys in to get ready for bed.  20 minutes later I went in the bedroom to find Joseph and Mosey sitting on the bed, practicing spells.  They both made wands, and Joseph has been writing spells in his little spell notebook.  He started this several months ago, but the movie inspired him to get it out again.  Ever since, I've had two little wizards running around the house casting spells.  Mosey is especially good at the deluminate spell when I'm right in the middle of something requiring light.  :-)
Mosey even brought his wand (made from a straw, a wooden skewer, and black and silver duct tape) to church with him today.  Now *that* would horrify those Southern Baptist anti-Harry Potter nuts out there!

1 comment:

Rosalynde said...

Sounds like you are getting upstairs quite a bit these days (didn't you mention going upstairs a few days ago?). Anyway, that is fantastic, even if the *Reason* for the trips upstairs (sleepless kids) isn't so great.