Friday, February 13, 2009

Wall-E on the brain

Mosey went to see Wall-E with grandma Frandsen last July when I was in the hospital. When Wall-E came out on DVD, he beeeeeeggggged me for it every time we saw it at Target or Walmart. We got it for him for his birthday and it quickly rose to the top of Mosey's "favorite movie" list. The next week, he went over to play at a neighbor's house and he let Mosey borrow a really cool Wall-E toy. Mosey didn't let that thing go for about 28 hours until he had to bring it back. He loved it, he was absolutely smitten. So I got on and tracked down the Wall-E toy, only to find that it retails for over $60!! But Mosey wanted it soooooooo bad. I checked e-bay and found one for a lot less, but still a lot more than I would normally spend on a toy. A lot more.
Well, it has been worth every penny. Mosey loves that thing.
It is pretty cool! The whole thing collapses into a cube, just like the "real" Wall-E. It's eyes move positions, giving him different expressions. The trash compacter opens and closes, its arms expand and retract. And did I mention Mosey loves, loves, loves it? He does.
Poor Little Dog, Golden, and his various other stuffed animals, they have all been unceremoniously relegated to the toy closet ever since Wall-E came to our house. Ah, the caprice of a 5-year-old boy...

1 comment:

Lonna said...

Gwen saw this little Wall-E at the last baptism and she too was smitten with it. The whole way home she was talking about the little boys Wall-E and how she needed to watch it when we got inside.

SO funny how the little toys become an extra appendage for small amounts of time. I think that is so cute that he enjoys it so much.