Monday, October 08, 2012


1. We got up early to go up to salt lake. We got tickets to the morning session of conference from my friend Cheri's dad, who is a stake president. Abe and Eva came up to the Turner's house to ride with us, since we ended up with a couple extra tickets.

2. I have no idea how this sort of thing happens, but out of the 20,000 or so people streaming into the conference center, we happen to get in line right behind Jessica Fuller and her new husband. Jessica was in our ward when I was in Young Women, and I took senior pictures of her for graduation. While I was in the restroom (I have never seen a womens restroom as enormous as the one in the conference center),  Ben also saw the Forts, who were in our ward as well, before the split. It is almost as if there is done kind of magnetic attraction between people who know each other, because seriously, what are the odds??

3. It was pretty great being at the conference center for conference. Especially because the choir sang my two favorite hymns, How Firm a Foundation, and Now Let Us Rejoice. Watching President Uchtdorf speak wasn't too bad either. :-)

4. It took us an hour to get out of the conference center, to our cart, and out of the parking lot. Crazy. Abe and Naomi came back with us to the Turners for lunch, and to watch the afternoon session.

4. Ben's sister Tracie came with her family, and suddenly the house was full! Especially when Liz and her boys and Susie and her boys came over while all the men went to priesthood session at the conference center. So many boys!! Eleven little boys running circles around Tracie's three girls. :-)

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