Sunday, April 22, 2012


1.  Started the day off by feeding the cute little baby bird.  It cheeps so piteously and opens its huge mouth like it's starving to death.  The websites we read said they need to be fed every 20 minutes during the daylight hours.  Wow, that's a lot.  But the little thing has captured my heart.  I call it "baby."

2.  Sadly, my heart was broken a little bit this afternoon, because the baby bird died.  We couldn't feed it while we were at church, obviously, but I thought it would be OK.  Maybe it wasn't that, maybe it had simply been too stressed the day before.  Anyway, we fed it right before we left for church, and tried to again as soon as we got home.  But it wouldn't open it's mouth.  I tried for the next two hours to coax it to eat.  I dripped sugar water into its mouth thinking maybe it was dehydrated.  It wiggled around and lifted up its head, but never opened it's mouth like it did before.  By 4:00 it died.  I was really unexpectedly sad.  I felt responsible-- like I let the poor baby down.  Ah well.  I guess I'm just a bird-murderer these days.  Mosey buried it in the backyard and made a grave marker with a piece of wood and some sharpie markers.  That's the cycle of life, I guess. 

3.  The boys made a gigantic battle scene in the play room with their 50 thousand toy soldiers and the kapla blocks.  They used the block to make a series of small forts, each protected by about 15 soldiers, and then laid out the ranks of armies coming to lay siege on the fort.  After the epic battle there are now 500 kapla blocks and 50 thousand army guys scattered all over the floor.  :-)

4.  Ben spent the evening reading online about new research being done on myelin repair.  There's interesting work being done on mice, but nothing too exciting happening on the human front.  Can't I volunteer to be a mouse?  Some of the experiments being done do not appear to have any real risk.  I wish there would be a way to sign releases and volunteer to try out some of these new treatments without having to go through all that FDA rigamarole.  :-)  Ben asked me if I think I'll ever walk again.  I don't think I will.  But he's a perpetual optimist and things I will.  I'm not sure if I feel touched that he has such hope for me, or if I feel sad because it seems like an empty hope to me.  I sure would like to walk again.

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