Thursday, April 19, 2012


1.  Thursday.  It was a pretty good day.  Kids were generally cooperative.  No real fighting.  Only one incidence of name calling, after which Joseph insisted he was calling Mosey "brap."  That's really pushing it for me, but he had a big smile on his face so I know that regardless, he wasn't trying to be mean.

2.  We had art group in the afternoon.  We are doing a unit on old-time radio programs and the kids are recording a play.  There are some wildly varying degrees of dramatic skills amongst all the kids.  :-)  Joseph and Mosey both have a flair for the dramatic.  Should I see if there is any way they could get involved in some local children's drama productions? 

3.  I took a picture of Mosey's slicked back hair.  He's a handsome little dude.  Joseph was slightly more accepting of it today.  Mosey's current stuffed animal companion is "Yellow."  He's a yellow lab, in case you couldn't tell.  :-)  He's been attached to Mosey for the past several days, accompanying him everywhere-- piano lessons and cello lessons no exception.  :-)

Here is Mosey going crazy on the disc swing in the back yard (I didn't back up far enough to be able to get a wide enough frame to document the full craziness of it all).  Mosey gets up on top of the pool stairs, grabs hold of the swing, and launches himself into the air, swinging crazily, pushing himself off again from the side of the deck or the tree behind him.  This is my boys' most favorite toy at the moment.

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