Sunday, August 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Brigham and Joseph!

Aaahh!! Nine years old. I've been dreading this birthday. Why? Because they are now half way to 18 and when they'll leave the nest... It's all down hill from here, and I know the next 9 years will slip by faster than the first.
I do love these guys. They give me endless entertainment, frustration, fascination, love, and just plain weirdness! I'm lucky that they put up with me.
This is their last year of the single-digits. They are moving into a phase of childhood which I remember well. I certainly can no longer take comfort in my mothering foibles by thinking that they won't remember my failings... On the other hand, it is so awesome to know that we are creating shared memories every day. Things that we can look back on in the future and laugh and cry and reminisce about.
I am really, really enjoying this age. I think that about nearly every age, I think, so I don't think I have anything to fear in the future. They are smart and funny and have their own very distinct personalities and interests and talents and opinions.
Thanks for being my boys!!
Here is the last year in pictures.


Baptism day, August 22, 2009.

Studying their brand-new scriptures.


September 2009. One of my most favorite pictures of the two of them together.

September 2009. Making faces while waiting for the bats to fly out from under Congress St. bridge.


October 2009. Halloween! Joseph was a sorcerer/phantom and Brigham was a Union soldier.


A smile from Joseph on our back porch.

Brigham and his blocks.


Joseph and his Webkinz.

Brigham and the Christmas village under the Christmas tree.


Joseph loves blocks, too.

My sweetie Brigham.


The boys with Squirrel.

Joseph in his PJs and cowboy boots in the snow!

Brigham with his 1st place winning pinewood derby car.

MARCH 2010

Playing in the field behind the church.

Brigham gives me a look while riding bikes at the church parking lot.

Scooby Doo PJs and the boys' beloved dog.

APRIL 2010

Kissy-face Joseph at Bryce Canyon.

Happy Joseph playing in the snow at Sundance in Provo, Utah.

Brigham striking a pose in the Bryce Canyon parking lot.

MAY 2010

Enjoying the wonders of dough-boys!

Another awesome Brigham block creation.

JUNE 2010

An epic battle between the plastic warriors.

Tubing on Lake Travis.

Brigham navigating the boat.

JULY 2010

Watching fireworks in Austin on Independence Day.

Brigham serenading us with one of his piano compositions.

1 comment:

Mama said...

How well I remember August 22, 2001!! They are growing into fine, handsome, accomplished young men -- you are doing a magnificent job as their mother!!