Sunday, July 04, 2010

Happy Independence Day!

My mom scanned and sent me these adorable pictures from 1984, by the looks of the baby in my mom's arms (must have been either Rachel or Jacob). I remember a pancake breakfast and a flag ceremony every 4th of July. Sometimes we'd have our pancake breakfast up in the mountains. We'd listen to patriotic music in the van on the way up and back down.
So many wonderful memories. I had such a charmed childhood.

Actually, either the first two, or this picture must have been from Flag Day of the same year. I think the three girls are all dressed exactly the same! But my hair is different, and Brigham is in PJ's in the first two, and in regular clothes for the 3rd. At first I thought these were all three from the same day and I was very confused. :-)

1 comment:

Mama said...

Hmmm... I'm confused too! It's so hard to tell! Shame on me for not labeling all of our pictures!!!! And yes, that baby would have been either Rachel or Jacob -- and there I am, caught nursing in public again! I was nursing pretty much nonstop during that first year with the twins :)