Friday, June 15, 2007

June 15, 2007

Mosey playing in the kid's room during the big boys' swimming lesson.

Joseph and Brigham are on the far right. Looks like they were paying attention at least!

Hello Everyone,
Has it really been a week since I updated last? That is crazy.
Things are going fine, just really busy with the kids being home all day. We've been going to the pool at our new house quite often, and swimming lessons started this week, and with Tae Kwon Do on Mondays and Wednesdays and swimming lessons on Tuesdays and Thursdays, we are now pretty scheduled up!
Swimming lessons was not such a huge success on the first day (Tuesday). I signed Mosey up for the 3-5 yr old class and it was sort of a disaster. He didn't want to even touch the water, let alone get in and try and blow bubbles! He just tried to hide his face in my shirt for the first 10 minutes so finally I told him I had to go sit down and Audrey (his teacher) was in charge. He tried to run after me a few times but I kept bringing him back to the pool. Eventually Audrey did get him to make eye contact with her, and even got him to put his feet in the water. Amazing. Anyway the head teacher told me at the end that Mosey probably is not ready for lessons on his own yet, so I've switched him to the mommy-and-me class (18-36 months) which we'll start next week. Brigham and Joseph were a little more successful. Brigham did just great, actually. Joseph got really scared and nervous and half way through I could see his face just contort into a grimace and then his little shoulders started shaking and I knew he was crying under his goggles. Poor kid. They weren't doing anything he hasn't done on his own in our pool, but I think just knowing that after bobs he would have to move on to floating and gliding just scared him a lot. Luckily yesterday went much better for him, and I think he'll get the hang of it. I think Brigham will catch on to swimming pretty quick. I hope that won't be a hard thing for Joseph.
We've also been trying to schedule all our moving stuff. I'm flying out to Florida June 30-July 1 to get our stuff put on a truck so we'll finally have real furniture! I'm really looking forward to seeing my Florida friends. Next week will be the big push to get stuff moved out of this house into our new house so I'll have the last week in June to clean this house and get things sort of in order at the new house. This will be my ninth address in 10 years of marriage. Yeah, getting a little sick of it...
I finally finished up the drawings I was doing and got those mailed off yesterday, so another thing to cross off my list. I've also been working with another photographer (in New York), doing some post-processing work for her, and she wants me to team up wih her to do all her PP work, plus storyboards, cards, invitations, etc., and I originally told her I would, but now I'm re-thinking it. I just feel like I'm barely hanging on here by my fingertips with church stuff, moving stuff, wedding stuff, and kid stuff! I've been feeling really anxious and panicky and I hate that, so last night (after I was up till about 1:30 AM doing wedding invitation stuff), I had a long talk with myself and decided I need to try to simplify things a little so I think I'm going to contact the photographer I was working with and tell her that at least until the end of the summer I really don't think I'll have time to do any more work for her. It's hard for me to say no to people.
Tomorrow I have a photo shoot with a family who won the auction for my entry in the boys' elementary school silent auction, so that will be another big project I'll be working on in the next couple of weeks. I'm not going to shoot a ton of pictures, after all I'm not getting paid for this, and besides the forecast calls for thunderstorms in the afternoon. Maybe we'll have to reschedule (I'm actually sort of hoping we will).
So today I need to go back down to the park we're meeting at and scout out some good locations. I tried to go last week but by the time we got down to the park, Mosey had fallen asleep so I couldn't go in.
The boys have been good boys. I think they're getting used to summer time and being with each other all the time. Less fighting and more cooperation which makes things easier for everyone. They're outside in the back right now and I'm just trusting they're not up to anything bad.
Ok, that's it for today. My mind is all foggy and this is a very jumbled and disjointed update, but that's a pretty accurate representation of how I've been feeling the last couple of weeks, so I guess that's ok.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I'm hoping the few photos you take turn out today and you can cross that volunteer thing off your list. You have a LOT going wonder your mind and body feel like they are spread thinly. This will be a summer to remember for you...hopefully it can be as the one that you last moved!