Friday, March 29, 2013


The boys dyed Easter eggs for our art group activity today.  It's interesting to see the different styles of each of my boys.  Joseph dived right in and made dragon eggs-- a red/orange fire egg, a blue ice egg, and a purple lightning egg.  Brigham opted out of the dying altogether and got out some paints and made a china egg, with intricately painted blue dragons (to go along with Joseph's dragon eggs?).  Mosey couldn't decide for a long time-- he wanted to paint one like Brigham, but got frustrated with his efforts and painted over all his work.  He ended up making some pretty multi-colored eggs using the dye.  He is my least artistically confident boy, although he has no reason to be.  I need to do some art lessons with him individually.

Mosey has adopted the "inside out and backward" look first pioneered by Joseph. :-)

Later in the afternoon, Mosey rode down the street on his bike.  He witnessed some sort of collision between a hawk and a mourning dove in which the hawk dropped a baby squirrel it has been about to devour, and Mosey quickly got off his bike and picked up the stunned creature.  One of our neighbors happened to be watching out her window and hurried out.  It turns out she has hand-raised two other squirrels, and knew exactly what to do.  Mosey gave her the squirrel and she came up to our house to find out if we wanted to keep it-- I guess Mosey had dibs, finding it first.  :-)  But a household of a very energetic dog and 2 cats would not be an ideal place for a squirrel, so we were happy to let our neighbor take it.  I wish I had thought to take a picture of it before she left-- it is really the cutest little thing.  The boys can go and see it any time, which I'm sure they will.  I was happy to meet this neighbor who also homeschools her kids, although her older kids are in high school, and her younger two are babies.  I'm slowly getting to know our neighbors-- I think we really lucked out moving to this little street.

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