Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Three things for Tuesday

1.  Ben and I and the boys went to the orthodontist office this afternoon for a follow-up consult after the special x-rays the boys had done over Christmas vacation.  Moral of the story is that both boys (Brigham and Joseph) have almost exactly the same problems with their mouths.  Joseph got a spacer put in his lower teeth a couple of years ago, and were it not for that, the doctor said, their mouths are twins.  Funny, since the boys those mouths belong to are also twins!  :-)  They'll have about 2 1/2 years of braces, including a year of head-gear.  Ooh, lucky boys!  But they should have perfect teeth by the time they're high school age, which is not too bad. 

2.  Painting camouflage is kind of hard.  Brigham and Joseph are both making army tanks for their pinewood derby cars and recruited my help in painting them camo green.  We didn't get to the axle preparation tonight, which means tomorrow night the boys and I will be really busy. 

3.  On the way to and from the dentist office, the boys were having an insult contest.  I really need to video these things more often.  I can remember some of them, but tomorrow I'll ask the boys to tell me their favorites and I'll write them down.  These kids are such... boys!!

4.  OK, here's a fourth.  My little sister is so pretty.  I am trying to get all her pictures finished by her birthday on Thursday.  I can't choose a favorite.  I love this girl so much.

That's it for the day.  Now off to put the laundry in the dryer, feed the lizards and go to bed.  I'm ignoring the utter disaster that is our homeschool table tonight.

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