Monday, November 29, 2010


Mosey and Brigham were playing in the play room while I was on the computer.  I was listening in as Mosey began telling Brigham a story.  It started like this: "One of Leonardo da Vinci’s camera obscuras was taking a whole bunch of pictures every 50 milliseconds…"
Classic Mosey.  We may have to review again what a camera obscura is, as the whole "taking pictures" thing doesn't quite apply...  :-)
Mosey recently found one of my old digital cameras, and has become enamored with taking pictures and video.  So much so that he wore out a 2 gig memory card.  :-/  Maybe I'll have an apprentice one day?

1 comment:

Mama said...

So how many 6-year-olds even know how to pronounce "camera obscura" or know who Leonardo da Vinci is, for that matter? Even misusing a term as sophisticated as that is mighty impressive! Go, Mosey, our da Vinci in the making :)