Monday, September 13, 2010


In an attempt to get the boys to eat a wider variety of vegetables (hearts of romaine salad and broccoli are about as far as their adventurous spirit goes these days), I've started asking them to choose a new vegetable when we're at the grocery store. 
Last week Mosey chose brussel sprouts which I was sure would be a bust.  I have a vivid memory of my mom boiling some brussel sprouts for dinner one night, and, peeling back the first layer of leaf, finding a bunch of black bugs inside.  I still shudder thinking about it.
But, they actually ate them!  And liked them!  You could have knocked me over with a feather.
We picked up artichokes and asparagus for this week.  We'll see how that goes!
(I did make creamed spinach tonight which was *not* a hit.  They just can't get over the texture, even when I mixed it with rice.  Too bad, because I really like it, but I just can't take the cream and butter content if I eat it all myself...)


Mama said...

Sorry about those brussel sprouts... I believe that was the most traumatic culinary experience in the lives of all of my children -- it scarred you forever. Sigh... Who knew you had to check brussel sprouts for BUGS??

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, I have the most delicious recipe for fresh asparagus! It's a soup, and is basically pureed asparagus, with a few other ingredients. If you have a good blender, it is ABSOLUTELY fabulous! Where it calls for soy, I just used regular milk...and if you don't have plain yogurt, sour cream works great!