Sunday, July 11, 2010


That's what I've been with this blog lately: a slacker!
There were a couple of priceless Mosey-isms this past week, but since I haven't been diligent in keeping up, I didn't write them down, and now they've disappeared into the dusty, dark corners of my brain...
This past week was pretty good, I think. It was really the last full week of lessons for more than a month! This next week I'll be in Houston, and then the boys will be in CA for a month. So I tried to make the lessons count, although I'm not sure I succeeded.
I did succeed in having a stand-off with Joseph which I hate... I wish I could figure out how to avoid those... I sent him to bed at 7:30 on Wednesday night after a pretty bad day. He ran away from me earlier in the afternoon (went around the block, sulking), and that is my red-cape. And he cried for about an hour and a half before I went in to lay next to him and show him pictures of himself (and his brothers, but mostly himself) on my iPod. I felt like a jerk. I hate enforcing consequences! :-(
But, the next two days were much better, so I think all is well. Does any mother anywhere ever really think she's doing a good job?
It rained and rained this week, again! The tent and sleeping bags that we've been leaving out on the deck in an effort to dry them just kept getting soggier and soggier. I love the rain, though. I love summer rain, there's nothing like it. Winter rain I can do without, but summer rain is the best. It's kept the temperature down and our grass green.
Yesterday the boys worked hard all morning. Brigham and Mosey cleaned up the entire back yard. And Joseph cleaned out the van, which was really a big, big job. He did not want to do it. But, happily, his parents were able to apply the right motivations and he did it and did a really, really good job. Our van can get pretty out of control. He even vacuumed out the entire inside and washed the windows. I've often thought that the state of the inside of a person's car reveals a lot about that person, and I'm afraid the inside of my van generally reveals absolutely nothing good about me. :-)
In the afternoon we went to see Toy Story 3. I hadn't had any desire to see that movie. We didn't see the 2nd one, and it seemed like one we would pass up. But, review after review raved about it, so we decided to give it a try. Ben was especially skeptical, but made the sacrifice in the name of family unity. Well, it was really wonderful. My boys loved it and I loved it and Ben loved it. It got the bad taste out of my mouth left by The A-Team. :-)
After, we went to eat at Joes Crab Shack. The food was good, but eating crab might be more trouble than it's worth. I'd like my calories without so much effort, thank you! :-) When we were walking back to the van Brigham told us he didn't really like the restaurant. "The music was too loud to feel the Holy Ghost." I think Brigham should just be translated now.
I didn't take many (any?) pictures this last week, but I did find an entire folder of pictures from 4 years ago that I never sorted through and edited. So I did that this week and had such fun reminiscing about my little boys. It got my mind off some of the anxiety about Houston this coming week.
Here are just a few of them. OK, maybe more than a few, but they're too cute not to share!

The boys and I used to go to the "Dinosaur Park" (so named because of the purple dinosaur play structure) on the lake around which our Rock Creek community was built. There were ducks, tadpoles, swings, and water. What more could a little boy want?

This was the view I had of Mosey most of the time in those days-- running away from me! He was trying (unsuccessfully) to catch one of the weird, mutant-looking ducks at the lake. All Florida ducks are really homely-looking creatures.

Dropping coconuts into the water. There were coconut palms everywhere.

Running away again! This time drawn by the magnetic power of Barney. :-)

Awww, look at those baby teeth!

Whatcha thinking about, handsome?

Look at those sky-blue eyes.

And Mosey's eyes! Sometimes I forget how white-blond his hair used to be.

Joseph demonstrating some of his "Spiderman moves." Joseph and Brigham were really enamored of Spiderman at this time in their lives.

The boys brought me these long grass leaves (from the plants under the tree behind him). I braided them into bracelets and anklets and head bands. The twins decided they were Seminole Indians and had an Indian spear fight. Ferocious!

We didn't bring swim suits, but when you're four? Who cares?!

Joseph trying to master the monkey bars.

Look at that sweet face!

I can't even believe how much they've grown up...


Sweet Brigham.

Peek-a-boo! This is my current "favorite-photo."

Here's Mosey, bolstering his immune system. :-)

Oh, he was so cute, it hurts! (He's still cute.)

Trying his best not to smile... :-)

"Why are you taking so many pictures, mom?!"

Another blue-eyed Seminole. I love this picture. I'm so happy I have so many pictures to look at. Looking at these, I'm taken right back to that May afternoon in 2006.


Rachel said...

gabrielle, you're such a good mom!

Kelly said...

I'm guessing that might have been when you were first diagnosed with MS in May 2006?

Love the pictures of your handsome sons.

Mama said...

The ironic thing is that the best moms never think they're doing a good job.... but I think this is what makes us try harder every day to be better. I LOVE those pictures -- such adorable sons!! I can hardly wait to see them on Saturday!