Thursday, October 30, 2008

Piano lessons...

Oh, my. It is interesting how my perspective has changed, becoming a parent.

My older boys started piano lessons about 6 weeks ago.

I took piano lessons for many years growing up. I remember having crying fits at the piano because my mom was the MEANEST MOM IN THE WORLD for making me practice EVERY SINGLE DAY.

And when I got older and my mom had more kids in piano lessons, she didn't have time to sit with me to practice every day, and I had to be responsible for myself. So I just didn't practice. Well, I'd practice frantically the night before my lesson (usually), but other than that I really didn't practice.

I had no idea how responsible a mother feels when her child doesn't do so well in a lesson. I'm SO sorry, mama!

A few times at lessons I'll be sitting in the other room listening, and one of my boys will be having trouble with something and the teacher will ask, "Did you forget to practice this part?"

And I'll just want to shout from the living room, "We DID practice that! He played it perfectly 10 minutes before we got here!"

And I also had no idea what torture it is to practice with stubborn kids just starting out.

One of my boys in particular (I'll let you guess which one) is quite sure he knows far better than I do exactly how to practice. I'll be trying and trying to gently help him, and he will refuse to listen to me, and finally he'll break down in frustration and start crying.

So then I'll gently ask him, "Sweetie, I'm trying to help you. Why don't you listen to what I'm saying?"
And I'll get a lovely reply like this screamed back in my face: "YOU AREN'T TELLING ME WHAT TO DO!! WHY AREN'T YOU TELLING ME WHAT TO DO??"

Oh Lord, please grant me patience.

My other boy is a little easier on me, but only a little. He'll also get frustrated, playing something the wrong way over and over again, and I'm trying to help him along. FINALLY, he'll get it right, and I'll be all trying to give him positive reinforcement, saying, "VERY good! That was perfect!"

And he, still frustrated, will yell out, "I WAS PLAYING IT LIKE THAT THE WHOLE TIME!!!"

Yeah. And I'm just sitting here telling you over and over again that it's not quite right, just for fun.

If we can get through ONE day of practicing without one of them (or myself) breaking down in tears, I'll be very happy.

Someone, please tell me it will eventually get a little easier.


Kelly said...

I would if I could, but I can't so I won't. Sorry. How do you like the piano teacher's style?

Gabrielle said...

I like the teacher a lot. She's only made that comment a couple of times, and, honestly, from hearing my boys play, I totally concede that it sounded like they might have forgotten to practice! She gives them a lot of positive feedback, and the boys are always happy to go to lessons and seem to enjoy themselves.

*MARY* said...

My dad taught piano for years and years. I begged him all the time to teach me but he always said teaching his own kids was way too hard, maybe he was right.

Rosalynde said...

I don't think I could handle listening in on Elena's lessons; I just drop her off and do errands during the half hour with the other kids. I'm the same way with any class she takes---currently ice skating---I get too stressed watching/listening.

Practicing is still sometimes challenging for us, too, even after a year and a half. It's not unusual for there to be sulking and bad attitude, and that's just on my part. :) She really does enjoy playing once she knows the pieces, but she's doing more challenging things now (okay, not SO challenging, the program we're using actually moves at a VERY slow pace which has been somewhat frustrating to me---but she's playing hands together now) that actually require "practicing"---doing the same measures over and over until you get it. And she's not always so fond of that.