Thursday, May 05, 2011

A snake, a gecko, and an upside-down flute

Last Friday we drove down to Ben's work to pick him up and go to dinner. While we were waiting for him to come downstairs, the boys got out of the car and started exploring over by some rocks. After a minute, Joseph came running over clutching something in his hand. "It's a Texas blind snake, mom!" He held his cupped hand up to me and I saw the tiniest little snake I've ever seen. It looks almost exactly like an earthworm, but if you look close you can see it has scales and eyes, and it slithers and wriggles like a snake. Joseph found a container in the car and we kept it for a day before letting it go. It really was a Texas Blind Snake. When we got home, Joseph looked it up in his Smithsonian reptile book which he has practically memorized.

Not to be outdone, on Sunday afternoon Mosey caught a Mediterranean gecko outside.  He kept it in a container with some dirt and leaves, and we attempted to feed it crickets.  I'm not sure if it ever successfully caught one, and after a couple of days Mosey let it go.

Finally, here's a shot of Joseph practicing his flute tonight.  I don't think upside-down is the best way to maximize lung capacity, but it was fun!

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